In India, rare tigers are a unique and valuable species that is threatened with extinction. To monitor these animals, AI-enabled cameras are being set up in their habitats and these cameras are sending automated alerts when tigers are detected. This system is helping to keep an eye on these unpredictable animals in real-time and making it easier to prevent poaching and protect the species.
Upon installation of these cameras, AI begins to process data coming from them and can recognize individual tigers based on their stripes and distinguishing features. Any time a tiger is detected, automated alerts are sent to conservation areas including images of the animal. These alerts can be seen on phones, tablets, and laptops, to quickly notify conservation authorities who can respond to the alert in a timely manner.
This is a great breakthrough in animal conservation, as it helps to protect wild tigers. As these cameras are set up further out in the wild areas of India, they are able to detect areas of higher tiger activity and focus efforts on them. This is especially important in India, where tigers are threatened not only by poaching but also by loss of habitat as the human population continues to grow. With these real-time alerts, extra monitoring and protection can be put into place to better protect wild populations of tigers from poachers and illegal activity.
The AI-enabled cameras have the potential to revolutionize the way animal conservation is carried out in India. By capturing live images of tigers and sending out alerts, conservation efforts can be more effective and efficient, helping to ensure the survival of these animals for generations to come.