The stock market has always been a volatile place to invest, and with constantly changing economic conditions, it’s important to keep an eye on the various indicators that can impact it. One way to gain a better understanding of how the stock market is performing and which areas of the market are doing well is to look at a few select market indicators, such as market breadth, bonds, and overall sentiment. In this article, we’ll look at these three key market indicators in the form of three charts to provide a better understanding of the current state of the stock market.
Market Breadth: This chart shows the number of stocks that are rising and falling in the market. Generally, a healthy market is one where a majority of stocks are either increasing in price or staying relatively still. However, when the chart shows a large discrepancy between the number of rising stocks and the number that are falling (or staying still), it could be an indication of an impending market correction.
Bonds: This chart shows the yield on government bonds. This is an indicator of the level of interest rates, which are used to determine bond prices. Generally, higher bond yields indicate interest rates are increasing, which can lead to lower bond prices and discourage investors from buying bonds. However, if bond yields remain low over a long period of time, it could also indicate a potential bull market for stocks.
Sentiment: This is a critical measure of investor sentiment, which can signal whether investors are feeling bullish or bearish about the market. When sentiment is low, it can indicate that investors are feeling pessimistic about the market’s prospects. On the other hand, when sentiment is high, it can signal that investors are feeling optimistic about the market’s outlook.
These three charts can help provide investors with a better understanding of the current state of the stock market. By following these market indicators, investors can gain insight into what areas of the market are doing well, and make informed decisions about when to enter or exit the market. As with all investments, it is important to research your investment and consider the risks associated before making any investment decisions.